Bill Hoover decided to take his dog Cricket and his stepson's dog, Abby, out for a walk. Although his health was not the best, he still wanted to exercise the dogs. He had had some trouble keeping his balance and when he bent over to adjust Cricket's leash, he fell and was unable to get back up.
Abby, a three-year-old Shetland Sheepdog, was fortunately off her leash and knew she had to get some help. She ran back to the house and began to bark frantically. Bill's wife, Sandra, noticed the dog barking from the kitchen window and went outside. Now that Abby had someone's attention, she ran off in Bill's direction. Sandra ran after the little dog and was able to assist Bill to his feet.
In all of the commotion, Cricket had run off, so, now that Bill was taken care of, Abby went to look for Cricket. She found the other dog in a neighbor's back yard and the next thing Bill and his wife saw was Abby herding Cricket by the collar towards home.
To reward her for her heroic act, Abby has been inducted into the Texas Animal Hall of Fame. She was nominated by her vet, Dr. Charles Robert Hart of the Walnut Creek Animal Clinic in Mansfield, TX. He feels that although there are many "Abby’s" in the world, her "extraordinary act of heroism and caring was a unique and wonderful exclamation point in the lives of two families."
Unfortunately, Bill passed away before the induction ceremony took place but his wife says that he was very proud of her nomination. "We wish he could've attended the induction ceremony," Sandra says. "I know he wanted to be there."