When Your Cat Won't Use the Litter Box
Cats are independent creatures who eat when they’re hungry, find their own amusements and “go” when the need arises. It’s why we love having them as part of the family, and while cats do require some care from us it’s good to know we can leave them to their own devices. When issues arise in the litter box department - specifically, your cat stops using it - it’s important to identify the reason before your cat’s elimination problems get out of control.
Stepping in something your cat left behind on the carpet or in your closet isn’t pleasant. Keep these steps in mind when you first spot changes in your cat’s behavior.
First, make sure your cat is in good health. Illness is perhaps the most common issue with cats who don’t use their boxes. Make a vet appointment to find out if your cat has a urinary infection, stones, or another ailment that is causing incontinence.
Try altering your litter schedule. Depending on your household, you may clean and/or change the litter box twice a week or every two weeks. If you notice your cat isn’t using the box regularly, consider changing out the litter more often than usual. Fresher litter may entice your cat to resume use. If these issues arose after switching litter brands, consider changing back to rule out that possibility.
It’s also a good idea to monitor how much litter goes into the box. Too much litter can discourage a cat. It’s best to keep a shallow layer that handles eliminations and doesn’t leave your cat paws deep when they step inside.
Consider getting a new box. As your cat grows, you may discover it’s become too big for their current box. An older cat with mobility issues may also have difficulty using a high-sided box. When you spot these changes in your cat, it may be time to make changes in their necessities.
Add a box to another room your cat frequents. It is possible, depending on the size of your home, that the litter box ratio is not quite right. Try placing an extra box in another part of your apartment or house to see if it alleviates elimination issues. If you have multiple cats, an extra can also provide some comfort for an older cat that wants privacy. An extra place to go is also helpful for a mature cat that doesn’t get around as well.
When it’s time to replenish cat litter, odor eliminators and other pet cleanup tools, Care-A-Lot Pet Supply has everything you need to keep your cat’s domain clean and healthy. Browse our cat litter and cleanup supplies in our online store.