Daily Dish Broth is a savory liquid treat that looks, smells, and tastes just like homemade! Use to enhance the flavor, nutrition and hydration of daily meals including dry kibble, freeze-dried or dehydrated pet food. Treat your dog or cat to an incredibly tasty between-meal snack. Prepared in small batches with only natural, human grade ingredients and no added colors or preservatives. Pumpkin Broth 1.1 lbs. (500 g)
A tummy-pleasing meal topper for dogs and cats
Enhances food flavor and aroma
Use hydrate dry kibble, freeze-dried or dehydrated pet foods
Adds more nutritional value than plain water
Encourages cats with urinary issues to drink more liquid
100 % Human Grade Ingredients
No Artificial Preservatives or Colors
Wheat, Corn & Soy Free
Water, Pumpkin, Yeast Extract, Apple, Natural Flavor, Arrowroot, Kale.
Guaranteed Analysis
Crude Protein (min) 0.5%
Crude Fat (min) 0.05%
Crude Fiber (max) 1.0%
Moisture (max) 96.0%
Calorie Content (calculated) ME
7 kcal per 1/4 cup (60 g), 147 kcal/kg
Daily Dish Pumpkin Broth is intended for supplemental feeding only.