Ingredients: HPUS:ACTIVE: Each 15mL bottle contains equal parts of: antharis 6x, 6c, 30c, 200c, causticum, phos, staphysag 6c, 30c, ignatia, nux vom 30c, 200c, apis mel, arnica, arsenicum alb, benzoicum ac, terebinthina 6c, arg nit, belladonna, calc phos, chimaphila umb, gelsemium, graphites, lachesis, lycopodium, merc solub, nat mur, plumb acet, pulstilla, sarsaparilla, stramonium, thuja occ 30c, aconitum nap 200c, avena, calendula, berber vulg, echinacea angustifolia, solidago, uva-ursi, valeriana, epigaea, equisetum hyem, hydrangea, hydrastis, passiflora, petroselinum, scutellaria, thlaspi 4x, copaiva 7x, sabal, pareira 6x, lycopodium, ferrum phos, kali mur, sulphur 12x INACTIVE: 20% USP alc., Purified water. The letters HPUS indicate that the component(s) in this product is (are) officially monographed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.
weight (lb)...........................drops per dose
Kittens less than 1lb..............2 in at least 8oz of water
Over 20..................................10
• Dose medicine directly into mouth, in water or at meal/snack time
• Administer one dose 3 times per day as needed
• In acute cases, one dose every 15 minutes up to 6 doses may be given
• When improvement is seen decrease frequency of dosing. If improvment is maintained, stop dosing after 2 days. If symptoms reappear repeat original dose. t